Whether you’re in your 40s, 50s, or 60+ and you’ve exercised before and want to get back into it, You should still have a plan of what you’re going to do at the gym to get the best quality workout while you’re there.
Include a warmup, between 5-10 min at least. Walking on the treadmill, stationary bike, or elliptical. The benefits will increase heart & respiratory rate, increase blood flow to active muscles, increases oxygen, and increases mental readiness.
When starting a program I would suggest using the FITTE principle. FREQUENCY – How many times a week are you going to work out. INTENSITY – Aging adults should have 2-3 days of resistance training, 1-2 days of higher intensity workout. An example would be jogging, Cycling, rowing machine, something that is going to get your heart rate up. TIME – Find the time. You should be doing 150 min of exercise a week of moderate exercise, that’s 30 mins a day, and 3 days of the higher intensity for 75 min, that’s 25 min of those days. TYPE – Know what you’re going to do, your moderate days, aerobic days, and vigorous day. ENJOYMENT – Find what you like.
Make your gym time, quality gym time.
I know everyone does what they want but as we all age health issues are going to come into play, if you’re taking medication for health conditions, know the side effects when you exert yourself, and be aware of them while you’re working out.
As we get older there are some exercises that carry a higher risk unless you have been working out for a while. Some exercises that you should avoid as a senior are squats w/barbell, leg presses, and deadlifts. If that’s your thing, Work up to getting back to that level before jumping back into it. Our joint structure decreases as we age along with soft tissue. There are a number of other pieces of equipment that can be used instead, even your own body weight goes a long way.
Make sure you know what you’re going to do that day, know how many reps for each piece of equipment, how many sets, your training intensity, and training volume. A logbook would be ideal to have. I would recommend a circuit training system if you’re first starting out, This is if you are working your whole body the same day.
If you’re breaking up your body parts during the week. Go to a Split-routine System where you’re working chest, triceps, and shoulders one day and back, biceps, and legs another day. Please take into account your cooldown. This should include a 5-10 min treadmill walk. I would recommend stretching as well. You can always contact me for more information.
The benefits of working out at home
Not everyone has time to go to the gym to work out. Some of my clients prefer me to go to their homes to work out. The benefits are the same. The time you spend is up to you but try to get in at least a 30 min workout. This might be more intense but it’s in the comfort of your own home. Have everything you need where you’ll be working out, a mat, weights, bands, and water but having equipment is not necessary, using your own body weight is just as good.
I would still recommend a program and stick with it. Find a friend to work out with or work out with your significant other. It’s a great bonding time. You have to get that accountability and what better way than to work out with someone else?
For general workouts at home, Start by going for a 10 min walk, this will get the blood flowing, If you have a foam roller that would be a bonus. Do some research on workouts, there is plenty of home workout programs out there. (link provided.) Also some great tips for working out at home.
Don’t forget to go at your own pace, make sure to warm up, cool down, and drink plenty of water. If you’re looking for a custom workout plan, email me or give me a call.